Archive for June, 2012

I have three beautiful children, Drew almost 7, Sophia Rose 4 and Isaac almost 2.  I hope they know how much I like being their daddy!  Thank you for a special Father’s Day.

1. I’m going to stop paying so much attention to my phone when you are talking to me.

2. I won’t just read books before bed because that’s what good dad’s do.  I will really take the time to enjoy it.  I will read in different voices, ask questions about the stories and pictures and try to make you laugh.

3. I will coach sports I know nothing about because I enjoy being with you and it makes me feel special when you tell everyone your dad is your coach.

4. The best parenting advice I’ve ever received is “be a good husband and your kids will learn what they need to know about life”.  I will spend more time thinking about what type of husband I want Drew and Isaac to be and the type of man Sophia Rose will marry.

5. There are a lot of areas I fall short as a dad, but I will always give each of you hugs/kisses and tell you I love you at every opportunity.

6. I leave for work before you get up and often come home when you are in bed.  I’m going to try to do that less.

7. When I can’t make it home before bed time I’m going to leverage technology like FaceTime to make sure you know dad is still thinking about you.

8. I wish I could remember what it was like to be 6. I bet it wasn’t as hard as it is today even if the toys are way cooler.

9. If anyone has any advice on how to control the violent thoughts that go through your mind when someone is mean to your kid I’m all ears.  Yes, occasionally I seriously want a cage match with another 6-year-old.

10. Please don’t tell Sophia Rose but I can’t say no to her.

11. I fear for the safety of the other children when Isaac starts pre-school.  You are half linebacker, half stuntman.

12. I will start living a healthier lifestyle with my diet and exercise.  I don’t set a very good example, sorry but no more McDonald’s happy meals. (Unless Sophia is really hungry for chicken nuggets….see above)

13. We listen to a lot of music, but I think we should have more dance parties.  Especially because we are all better dancers then mom!

14. Staci and I have an agreement, absolutely NO! “World’s Greatest Mom/Dad T-Shirts”.  I kinda wish I didn’t make that rule.

15. I often wonder if you think I’m a good dad.

16. You wont have anymore brothers or sisters but I can’t help wanting to adopt every child I come across that has a less fortunate situation.

17. Your mom and Uncle Neil are best friends.  Drew and Sophia are best buddies.  I’m thankful for my mother in law Janette.

18. Why am I always in such a hurry when going somewhere with you? It certainly doesn’t speed you up.

19. I’m proud to say I can handle a 6, 4 and 2-year-old at the grocery store every Sunday without breaking a sweat or drinking a fifth of vodka.

20. It’s a tough balance when work ethic is an important value to me, but I don’t want you to think work is the most important thing in life.  Just please be ambitious.

21. My favorite sound in the world is my boys Drew and Isaac laughing.  They have the heartiest laugh and its infectious.

22. I don’t know what it means, but Sophia Rose you have the ‘it’ factor.  Everywhere I go people want to meet me because I’m your dad.

23. I feel sorry for any dad that doesn’t have a daughter.  Nothing is better than throwing the football with your boy…until your little girl says she wants to marry you.

24. I hope you own your own business one day.

25. I wonder how many times I should be yelled at for not saying please and thank you at 36?

26. If I spent just 15 of the 30 minutes a day I spend on social media reading about fatherhood I’d be a better dad.

27. I’m going to say ‘no’ less often.

28. I’m going to let you solve more of your own problems and make more of your own decisions.

29. Come to think of it I wish there were more social media resources for dads, maybe one day one of my children will take care of that.  In the meantime if you are a dad and you enjoyed this blog, please leave your thoughts for your child.