Posts Tagged ‘Chrysler’

One of the most quotable movies scenes of all time is ‘A Few Good Men’ when Tom Cruise is questioning Jack Nicholson.  Tom loudly demands from Jack, “I want the truth!” and Jack replies, “You can’t handle the truth!”

Honestly, that’s how I feel sometimes advocating for social customer care.  But come October 16th we are going to get the truth!

I’ll be moderating a panel called ‘How The Big 3 Got In The Driver’s Seat With Social Care’ at the 2012 Annual SOCAP Conference in San Diego, California October 14-17th followed by a two day auto forum. The panelists include;

Jim Moloney, General Director of Customer & Relationship Services from General Motors Company
Rick Thornton, Head of Customer Relations from Chrysler Group
Rosemary O’Malley, Manager Consumer Services from Ford Motor Company

The panelists are clients of my firm 3CSI so I won’t be badgering the witnesses but I will be asking some tough questions.

Here they are;

(for those that won’t be at the SOCAP conference I will blog the panelists responses the week of Oct. 22nd)

1. Why did you start a social customer care program? Do you need a dedicated social care team?

2. What obstacles did you face in creating your program and how did you overcome them?

3. Did you have to overcome any internal fear about communicating with consumers out in the open in social media?

4. What do you think the differences are between a social customer care and social media marketing program? Are they different?

5. What are some of the steps you took to partner with your colleagues in marketing/agencies to make your customer care program successful?

6. How is your social customer care program structured? Insource/Outsource? Reports thru contact center mgmt? Are agencies involved?

7. Most people think of Twitter and Facebook when they hear the words social media, but you all started your social care programs in forums.  Can you share with the audience what went in to that decision?

8. What are the typical types of contacts you engage with in social customer care?

9. Do you try to handle your social engagements publicly or do you take the conversation private or into another channel?

10. What types of goals/metrics do you track, how do sell the value of your program internally?

11. What best practices have you applied in social care that you brought from the traditional channels (phone/email) and what is one thing that is completely different.

12. How has social customer care changed the game for agents? Is it a different job desc? Different training and performance coaching? What is the profile of your top agent?

13. What is the biggest mistake as a customer care leader you made in social that the audience could learn from?

14. How does your social customer care program align with your corporate primary goals and objectives?

15. What is one piece advice would you give to the audience for those who want to launch a customer care program?

16. What do you know about the service expectations of the socially savvy customer? How is that different than customer behavior in the past?

17. What does social customer care look like 12 months from now?

18. Please share a hero story from your programs where you have retained an at risk customer or perhaps helped sell a vehicle?

Am I missing anything? What else should I ask?

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and feel free to leave a comment, I reply to all of them.